
Snippet the early riser
Snippet the early riser

snippet the early riser

Early risers will identify with Snippet's dilemma. Lighthearted endpapers introduce facts about snails critical to the storyline: They sleep a lot, wake slowly, pull up to 200 times their weight, enjoy piggyback rides and have eyes in different locations. Readers view Snippet from a bug's-eye perspective as he ingeniously works to wake up the sleepyheads. Amusing illustrations rely on precise ink outlines with watercolor and gouache washes to give Snippet, his family and his insect pals a comic charm. Nothing works until Snippet finds a creative solution to lure his family to the breakfast table. Snippet desperately tries it all (almost-he wisely rejects Stinkbug's idea). Stinkbug offers to roust them with his stench. Ant suggests pushing everyone out of bed. Unfortunately, his mother, father and sister love "to snooze all morning" and barely stir when Snippet tries knocking, hollering and turning on the shower to wake them and relieve his boredom.

snippet the early riser

Just an "ordinary snail" who likes to draw on the sidewalk, create leaf sculptures, play soccer and take piggyback rides, Snippet's definitely an early riser. Agent: Mary Kole, Moveable Type Management.įebruA little snail takes drastic measures to get his mother, father and sister to wake up earlier in the morning. She has given much thought to what slow-moving snails can and cannot do for recreation, and information on the endpapers (“Snails can pull up to 200 times their weight”) playfully augments the main story. Seeing the world of common garden undergrowth at many times life size is one attraction of this low-key book, and Murguia’s limpid watercolors and adorable snails charm, too. Text alternates with smartly worded speech balloons (“Are you gonna eat those stems?” Snippet’s father asks his wife).

snippet the early riser

He chomps right through their leaf, delivering them into the heap of soft leaf bits he’s prepared-the snail equivalent of making pancakes for everybody. To rouse them, Snippet and his insect friends try making music and bouncing on “the bed” (the leaf underneath which the family sleeps), before Snippet decides to make them breakfast. JanuHaving previously examined the sleeping woes of the very tiny in Buglette, the Messy Sleeper, Murguia returns with another nighttime problem every family will recognize: Snippet the snail wakes up at sunrise and can’t get his family to play with him.

Snippet the early riser