
The of being earnest
The of being earnest

the of being earnest

The name Ernest not only represents a literal name, but also the dictation of the word earnest meaning to be sincere. In “The Importance of Being Earnest” both Gwendolyn and Cecily have dreamed of the perfect man whose name must be Ernest. I will be examining the techniques Wilde uses, such as satire, symbolism, and farcical situations, and showing how he takes those Victorian values and changes their state of importance, where men will change their name for the women instead of vice versa, as well as the views he portrays of women, such is them having “Expected to be Idle and Ignorant” (Petrie 178). In Oscar Wilde’s play, “The Importance of Being Earnest,” he mocks the typical Victorian conventions and ideals of what society held on the individual.

the of being earnest

Women were brought up by their parents to become the perfect housewife, and men were forced into marriages based on status within the society. In Victorian society, the conventional norms of status, gender roles, and marriage were closely linked by an institution that men and women were placed with unrealistic demands and expectations from society.

The of being earnest